I knocked my head against the doorpost and hurt it.
我的头撞在门柱, 撞伤。
I cracked the platter when I knocked it against the table.
In fact, the biggest knock against Iverson -- that he's a chucker -- couldn't be further from the truth at this note of his career.
He's frightened. The Easterner knocked his pipe against the stove. He's frightened right out of his senses.
他吓坏。" 伊斯特纳把烟斗敲在炉子上," 他吓坏。"
You can also " knock against" something accidentally.
She knocked against her chair and giggled.
她敲敲椅子, 咯咯地笑起来。
Sernine knocked with his fist against a little door.
His head knocked against something; a sharp pain dizzied him.
That is the knock against him.
But his foot knocked against something.
Today my heart knocked heavily against the doors of my breast.
People were knocking against the door, and the janitors could not obtain silence.
Morse knocked his shin against a suitcase that had been left just inside the door.
His head had knocked against something.
My caretaker woke one morning last winter to find the boat knocking against his bedroom window'.
去年冬天的一个早晨, 我的看护人醒来时发现船在敲打他卧室的窗户。
Just then his foot knocked against a step.
Look sharp with the light, or I shall knock my brains out against something in this confounded hole.
Feeling his way, so as not to knock against one of the chairs, he made for that light.
他摸着路,以免撞其中一把椅子, 朝那盏灯走去。
They at once knocked up against a door which was fitted into a rubble frame, carefully cemented.
他们立刻撞上一扇装在瓦砾框架中的门, 小心地用水泥固定。
You might hear a pipe knocking against the wall, or in worse cases, you might completely rupture a line.
您可能会听管道敲击墙壁的声音,或者在更糟糕的情况下, 您可能会完全破裂管道。
The paint on the wall is scratched, so I guessed they knocked some of my furniture against thewall.
墙上的油漆被划伤, 所以我猜他们把我的一些家具撞墙上。
I mentioned this in one of my videos on self-discipline in the past and some viewers took it as a knock against gaming.
But when he began to walk and to move about, the stones in his stomach knocked against each other and rattled.
但是, 当他开始走路和四处走动时,他肚子里的石头相互碰撞, 发出嘎嘎声。